Logfile 001:RZ 2K @Ouddorp. DAY0. 13.15:We arrive at the camping spot, after a drive of a little more than a hour and a small traffic jam. First things first....coffee (first of the day man). After that we started to unload our load from the car (we were lucky, my father brought us).... And from then on we were on our own...... That's when our first problems showed up: What to do for dinner (none of us could actually cook).We decided to eat the sausages we brought, but we needed some stuph we didn't bring like Pepsi and chips. So it was off to the village. Small town, lots of tourists. But off to the Super Market (Albert Hein). We decided to bring some supplies and beer. Afterwards we took a look around and concluded that this wasn't the place for us (exepte for the cool bug like crawling thingy Kevin found). After a nice (but rather cold ) meal we decided to hit the beach. Exelent move! Almost totaly empty we found a spot to enjoy the sun set and some home made guitar music...Now that was relaxed. Add a can of beer and our night was complete. At around 23.00 we were back at the camper and decided to find a place to sleep. I ended up on the couch, wich from my point of view sucked. Never slept so bad..... --Rob DAY1. Woke up at around 10.30 wich is somthing special fo me. Fortunately Kevin made coffee so I survived. After breakfast (yes, with that stuph we call hagelslag!) It was off to the village again to get supplies for 2 days (concidering it was Friday when we arrived, it would be Saturday now and due to religion the shops are closed on Sunday. There you have it). Afterwards we played some games at the local Arcade and headed back to our mobile home. And then it happend...we actually went to the beach....spend a few hours there (not realy exciting though) and back tracked for some food. My food to be axact. I volunteerd to bake pancakes (wich wasn't such a good idea after all). So pancakes it was....or at least something that looked like it. With Kevin playing the motivating 'Theme from Mission Impossible' I started an attempt to do some baking. They weren't as bad as they looked, so they say..... After "Dinner" we hit the beach again. This we weren't the only ones. Their seemed to be a party in the Beachclub. But we started the same as last night,with a beer and a guitar. That's when we met Bas and 'Bella', and spend the remaining night together until 02.00. (Guys, it rocked! We had fun and Bas......You tha man!) We ended up asleep at about 03.00. A successfull night.....definately. --Rob DAY2. Sunday, complete silence througout the town (and our camping spot). Woke up at 10.30 (wich is still special for me). This time it was my turn to make coffee (and this time I was the only one who wanted some. Wonder if my pancakes have something to do with that.....) After some breakfast (with even more hagelslag) I fineshed my artwork on Kevin's guitar wich was to become a real 'festival guitar'. Check the foto's to see what I mean. If there will be any, because I just figured out I might have screwed up our film...... (Will make it up with a second and mayby a third). --RZ DAY3. Fok this! Heavy weather last night. practicly didn't sleep at all! This sux! Temperature is droping and the the weather is clouded. I think our share of excelent weather is about over. But the fun goes on. Locked and Loaded the camera with a new film, so gonna make some nice shots for you guys at home to enjoy. We'll be returning home tomorrow so tonight is going to be our last night out (probably the beach AGAIN). This also means our visit to town today (and we keep fogetting to post those cards while we're there. sorry guys) was our last. No more scaring the locals or trips to our favorite Super Market. Went for some junkfood and it's safe to say the junkfood in Ouddorp is as "junkie"as back home 8-)= Dinner consists of leftovers from yesterday. Soup and (way to rubber-like) Macaroni (with a little to much tomato sause perhaps). Returned from the beach and decided to finish my report. Right now we're looking forward to tomorrow........ONE HELL OF A CLEAN-UP! That's what you get if you decide not to do the dishes or vacume the base......8-(= There is a chance though we could convince the Skinny Chick Next Door to do our Evil Work. That would be cool........ Time for Str8er to do his trick, and use those Stunnin' Good Looks of his......... But we'll see what tomorrow brings us 'cause I finished my (regular) Midnight Snack and am off to hit the couch. --The Great Cornholio DAY4. Woke up early agian. 10.30 or something.....that had to be a bad omen. and yes, because today is the day we leave, and not to mention clean up the place; wich is gonna be one hell of a job concidering our dishes have developed a life of their own. After coffee we decided to get it over with and dashed into the dishes. Worked on them for more that a hour!?! Then got rid of the garbage and will vacume the place later. whooppee. Unfortunately the "Skinny Chick" couldn't be found anywhere so we were all on our own....... Hooray! We actually cleaned the place up! WE RULE. And after that I posted those cards we had around. So some of you can expect an original Ouddorp2k Card with the mail any day now. We'll go for fastfood this evening, concidering we'll be picked up around eight (8) and don't want any more dishes. After that it'll be back to 'normal' life and I must think of a way to get all this crap on-line in a as short as posible time....... If I'm not done in a week you know what to do (r.zoeteweij@uicknet.nl). --Rob Zoeteweij