It's the year 2000, a new millenium has arrived. Happyness surrounds us and fear is gone...
Except in one village...A small town somewhere in Holland.The Town of Ouddorp. A small vilage wich time forgot. We're talkin' about a town where running water is a privalige here, and it is in need of help...
For 1000 years the town was forgotten by the outside world and by Death himself, but not without paying the price. Once every 1000 years the town must prove itself worthy or Armageddon wil arrise. We're talkin' The End of the World here! All 'cause some small town made a deal with Time.


And must me stopped...

And fortunately it cann be stopped. If the town is turned into Total Chaos by The Chosen Ones Mr. Apocalypse will let the world go for another 1000 years.
Therefor an elite group is chosen by *A Higher Colective* (wich, for obvious reasons, prefers to remain annonymous) to start havoc in Ouddorp. The faith of the world depends on the Chosen 4. Three Guys & a Rat (yes, a rat...don't ask!) who were selected for this dangerous task because of their unique qualities and special powers (and not to mention their stupidity to accept this beserk task!). They are The Ones wich will compete in project:OUDDORP2K

And trough this website they will report of their actions, in wich the entire town is involved.


Will they survive? Keep looking back to find the awnser!